Rayy Moneyyy Interviewed by Zacktv1
Rayy Moneyyy Talks About Getting Robbed With A 30’ - Interview by @Zacktv1
ZackTV1 always captures the realest side of Chicago through his raw interviews. In his latest video he interviews fellow Opposition Partner and director Rayy Moneyy who speaks on his rise as one of the top up-and-coming directors in Chicago, learning from the godfather’s Dgainz & Zae and the artists he works with. Rayy also speaks with ZackTV1 about being robbed at gunpoint for his camera gear and having to start from scratch but with support from his fans, starting a GoFundMe account and staying focused he was able to grow his channel even stronger. Hear these directors break down what it means to be behind the lens. Subscribe to their channels: https://youtube.com/zacktv1 https://youtube.com/A1Promotion
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